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Supervision provided is based on the Hawkins & Shohet '7 eyed process model' and also draws from my experience as a Gestalt-Integrative Counsellor as my prefered approach.


I have worked with practitioners on a varied spectrum of experience and genres and have found that my approach has been effective, to enable growth, development, personal/professional awareness and promoting good ethical working practice with clients/patients.


My supervision practice incorporates nurture, compassion and self-care for the Supervisee and sometimes may include a teaching/coaching element when required.


With my trained therapy model being mainly Gestalt (incoporating Person-Centredness and existential philosophy), sessions are free flowing and creative.


Working with creative media is always welcomed by supervisees as a 'way in' to the unsaid or the 'out of focus/awareness' elements that are a part of the therapuetic or the supervisee's 'ground'.


By using tools to explore these elements, allows each one to come into 'focus', allowing action to form and/or completion to take place.


If you would like to enquire about supervsion sessions or wish to arrange an informal chat about your current needs, please email me.


Clinical Supervision - For the helping professions

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